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Last updated: 06 Dec 2023

Concessions and grants

Do you have a concession card? You may be eligible for concessions on your electricity, gas and water bills.

  • Concessions can reduce your bills. But you must give your concession card details to your energy company for a concession to be applied and re-contact the company when your card expires.
  • The following information on the concession card must match the account holder details with your retailer:
    • Name
    • Address
    • CRN (Customer Reference Number)
    • Expiry date
  • Concessions can be backdated 12 months if they’ve not been applied to your energy or water bill.
  • The Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) energy and water concessions are in the table below.
Concession type Benefit How to apply Important information
Concession type
Annual Electricity Concession (AEC)
17.5% reduction on electricity bills all year
How to apply
Contact electricity company
Important information
Does not apply to the first $171.60 of eligible electricity bill
Concession type
Winter Gas Concession (WGC)
17.5% reduction on mains gas bills from 1 May to 31 October each year
How to apply
Contact gas company
Important information
Does not apply to the first $62.40 of an eligible winter gas bill
Concession type
Excess Energy Concession (EEC)
$1,644 (gas), $2,973 (elec) annual period starting 1 December 2020. Life Support/Medical Cooling customers: no form needed as retailer should automatically apply the EEC to the account.
How to apply
Contact energy company or DFFH Concessions Information Line (CIL) on 1800 658 521 or email
Important information
Life Support Concession and/or the Medical Cooling Concession recipients are automatically eligible after submitting a form
Concession type
Life Support Concessions
Discount on electricity and/or water bills for eligible life support machine use
How to apply
Contact the energy or water company or DFFH CIL on 1800 658 521
Important information
Concession type
Medical Cooling Concession
17.5% reduction off summer electricity costs (1 November to 30 April) for qualifying medical conditions including: multiple sclerosis, lymphoedema, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, post-polio syndrome/poliomyelitis, motor neurone disease
How to apply
Contact the energy company, DFFH CIL on 1800 658 521
Important information
This is in addition to the AEC
Concession type Benefit How to apply Important information
Concession type
Utility Relief Grant (URGS) and Non-mains Utility Relief Grant (NURGS)
For temporary affordability issues (within last 12 months) and customers at risk of disconnection or restriction. You can receive a maximum of $650 over a two-year period - for each utility (or $1,300 if you only have electricity at home).
How to apply
Contact the energy, water or LPG company or DFFH (for NURGS) CIL on 1800 658 521
Important information
To be eligible for URGS, your account must be open, so you must apply before you change companies. You cannot apply for URGS for your final bill. You also need to be living at the property to be eligible, unless you are experiencing family violence. Energy companies must support customers with completing URGS application forms. This includes submitting forms online and on behalf of the customer where possible. No concession card? You may still receive a Utility Relief Grant (URGS) and Non-mains Utility Relief Grant (NURGS) if part of a low-income household. NURGS applies to non-mains sources e.g. carted water, firewood (for households with no other form of heating) and heating oil.
Concession type
Water Sewerage Concession
50% deduction on water and sewerage charges up to a yearly maximum of $345.50 for 2021-22. If you are only billed for a single service, for example, water only, you will receive 50% off water charges up to a maximum of $172.75.
How to apply
Contact water company
Important information
Concession type
Non-mains water concession (carted water rebate)
Rebate amounts for 2021-22 are: $129 for spending from $180 to $517.99, $258 for spending from $518 to $1036.99, $387 for spending $1037 and above.
How to apply
Contact DFFH CIL on 1800 658 521
Important information

Note: From 1 December 2023, the following concessions were no longer available:

  • Controlled Load Electricity Concession
  • Service to Property Charge Concession
  • Electricity Transfer Fee Waiver

Embedded networks are private electricity networks that supply electricity to homes or businesses within one area, such as an apartment building, shopping centre, caravan park or retirement village. Usually, the operator of the embedded network buys electricity in bulk and then sells it to customers inside the embedded network.

Concessions work differently in an embedded network - the concession is payable by cheque once a year.

Applications open on 1 July of every year. Application forms are available by phoning the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 (toll free) and may also be available from LPG suppliers, local councils and caravan park proprietors.

Applications close on 31 December of the following year. Each application must include copies of paid invoices or receipts.

In many lifestyle or retirement villages, the village management will apply for the concession on behalf of its residents. The village will collect the concession card information when customers move in and ask for consent to apply on their behalf. The village will apply at the end of each year for all eligible residents. If the village does not apply on the customer’s behalf they will need to submit an application along with energy invoices for the year.

Need further help? If you think you're entitled to concessions, contact your energy retailer or water company. If you’re not happy with its response, contact EWOV – we’re here to help!