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We are aware Greater Western Water has experienced billing system issues, which may have impacted your billing.

For more information, including how you can raise a complaint, please visit

About us

We want all Victorians to know who we are, what we do and how we can help. That’s why we attend events in the community and provide free presentations for support agencies, network groups and community organisations.

Our presentations focus on making sure people are aware of their rights and responsibilities as consumers, as well as informing them of the support that they are entitled to access from their energy and water providers.

Our presentations can be in person or online. We will happily tailor our presentation to suit any audience. We also hold several of our own events throughout the year for our community partners to participate in.

We are happy to become involved if you are planning a “bring your bills” day, community information expo or open day. We regularly participate in events in-person and virtually, all across Victoria.

In addition to sharing important information about how people can access support from their energy and water providers, we can also help customers at events start a complaint with us.

Our easy to understand fact sheets can be printed directly from our website or saved to your home computer. Visit the common complaints pages to access our fact sheets. Read our How We Can Help You easy English guide.

If you would like us to provide you with copies of our fact sheets, posters or flyers please contact us.

Contact our Community Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Officer by email or by phone on 03 8672 4280 to chat about how we can support you with a presentation, attend an event or provide you with printed materials.