High energy bills Information to help residential customers understand why they may have received a bill that is higher than usual.
High water bills Information about higher than expected water bills for residential customers.
Estimated bills Explains when and why bills are issued based on estimated meter readings.
Backbilling, refunds and lost payments Information about energy and water refunds and the problems that can be experienced with payments.
Concessions and grants Do you have a concession card? You may be eligible for concessions on your electricity, gas and water bills.
Energy payment difficulties Under the Victorian Energy Retail Code of Practice your retailer must help you manage your bills if you cannot pay them on time.
Disconnection and restriction for debt This fact sheet will be help you understand your rights and responsibilities and the assistance which may be available to you.
Moving into transitional housing? Helping transitional housing tenants avoid energy and water hassles.
Solar feed in tariffs Here are some answers to frequently asked questions relating to the solar approval and connection process.
Energy service orders Why things can go wrong with energy service orders and the rules and timeframes that apply to different types of electricity and gas service orders.
Electricity, gas and water meters Explaining different meter types and how technology is changing.
Energy marketing Your rights and the rules about door-to-door and telephone energy marketing.
Switching energy retailers and plans Information for if you're thinking of changing your energy company, or if you're contacted by an energy sales representative.
Charges on water bills (metropolitan water corporations) Explains the main charges on the bills of residential water customers in Greater Metropolitan Melbourne - and how and when these charges are applied.
Charges on water bills (regional urban water corporations) Explains the main charges on the bills of regional water customers.
Water licensing and EWOV Help with deciding where to lodge your complaint about water licensing.
EWOV for MPs Information for Victorian Members of Parliament and Electorate Officers.
EWOV and LPG The role of the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria) (EWOV) in handling cases about LPG (also known as bottled gas).
Bulk hot water Information for Victorian consumers about bulk hot water and answers to some frequently asked questions.
Have you experienced a voltage variation or power surge? Information about unauthorised voltage variation, sometimes called power surges, and the claims process.
Credit default listings and debt collection Information about energy and water credit default listings, the default listings process and debt collection activity.
Planned and unplanned energy and water supply outages Information about energy and water supply outages and associated issues.
Acting on behalf of someone with an EWOV complaint This fact sheet explains how authorised representatives can act on behalf of customers with energy and water complaints.
Moving in and out of a property What to do to get your energy and water accounts set-up and closed when moving in and out of a property.
Saving energy at home How you heat and cool your home, heat water and use your fridge and freezer can bring down your energy bills.
Embedded network basics Information about embedded networks, the rights of embedded network customers and how EWOV can help.
Switching for customers in embedded networks What to do if you are an embedded network customer and want to switch retailers.
Water payment difficulties Your water company is required to tell you about the help available including payment options.
What is a best offer? A best offer is the cheapest generally available offer from your energy retailer compared to your current plan.
Family Violence support Energy and water providers must offer assistance to consumers impacted by family violence.
Life support equipment Protections for Victorians with life support equipment.
Solar FAQs General Information about issues with solar, including the connection process and how to check your bill.
Managing my energy account Now that EWOV has closed your case, we have referred you to a specialised team at your energy retailer to help you stay on top of things.
Water in gas pipes Explains the reasons for water-related faults including what can happen when water gets into pipes, and what distributors are doing about it and what kind of compensation may be payable.
Cost of capital contribution Explains the payments made by customers who want to make a new connection to a distribution network.
Service to property charges Explains the fixed charges for supplying electricity or gas to properties.
Automatic transfer to a new energy company On rare occasions, your electricity or gas company may stop operating due to financial or compliance problems and you’ ll be automatically transferred to a new company.