A binding decision is one where the electricity, gas or water company is bound by the decision if the customer accepts it.
The Ombudsman has only had to make a binding decision in the below cases. No binding decisions have been necessary since 2003.
WD/2002/10 Compensation for loss and damage to land due to construction of a water main
D/2000/81 Amenity affected by placement of power poles
GD/2001/13 Gas supply disconnection - hardship considerations
D/00/12 Damage following voltage variation
D/99/71 Electro-magnetic field concerns
GD/99/4 Gas supply upgrade and property damage
D/00/1 Excessive pruning of trees
GD/99/3 Relocation of gas meter
D/99/2 Electricity supply outage
D/99/21 Appliance damage - high voltage (surge)
D/98/63 Installation of high voltage aerial bundled cable
D/98/125 Supply upgrade / information provision
D/98/38 Unplanned supply interruption
D/98/80 Defective private electrical line - total fire ban
D/98/24 Noisy electrical transformer
D/98/15 Earthworks and pole collapse
D/98/93 Claim for loss of profit and stock following supply interruption
D/98/91 Surge appliance damage
D/97/40 Supply outage - unplanned
D/97/39 Property damage following interruption to supply
D/97/36 Appliance damage following an interruption to supply
C/98/1115 Property damage/surge
D/97/38 Electromagnetic fields - Inadequate Community Consultation
C/97/999 Supply damage to household appliance
D/97/1 Backbill following alleged meter tamper