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Greater Western Water billing issues may have affected you. Click for more information or to raise a complaint.

Need help paying energy bills?

Got a high bill or just want to manage your energy costs?

Contact your energy company. It must help you by:

telling you about your options to pay the bill, including

  • giving you an extension,
  • paying by instalments,
  • paying in advance; or
  • by putting the account on hold while you work towards paying for your usage.

Your company may also help by giving you advice about:

  • Energy efficiency;
  • Government grants, like the Utility Relief Grant;
  • Government concessions; and
  • Tariff options.

If you can’t come to a satisfactory arrangement, we can help.

While you are receiving this help you cannot have your electricity or gas disconnected or be pursued for debt.

To learn more give us a call or visit our website,

EWOV - Listen. Assist. Resolve.