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Last updated: 20 Jun 2024

Family Violence support

Energy and water providers must offer assistance to consumers impacted by family violence.

EWOV recognises any behaviour as being family violence when it involves behaviour by a person towards a family member that:

  • is physically or sexually abusive
  • is emotionally or psychologically abusive
  • is economically abusive
  • is threatening
  • is coercive, or
  • in any other way controls or dominates the family member and causes that family member to feel fear for the safety or wellbeing of that family member or another person.

EWOV uses a broad definition of family that recognises the meaning of family can

  • incorporate a person’s current or former domestic partner, including LGBTIQA+ relationships
  • include family like relationships
  • depend on cultural factors.

This definition is consistent with relevant laws including the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic).

We are committed to helping consumers impacted by family violence. When a consumer tells us that they have been impacted by family violence or we think they may have been, our main concern is the consumer’s safety. If we think there is a risk of immediate danger, we will contact the relevant emergency services.

If you are a consumer who has been impacted by family violence and you contact us, we will take the following steps.

  • When you first contact us, we will ask you if your complaint relates to a problem with your energy or water provider. If it does not, we will help to refer you to the right person/service to speak to. If it does, we will help to resolve your complaint.
  • If we are helping to resolve your complaint, we will ask you what the best way to contact you is. For example, whether you would prefer for us to contact you by phone or email.
  • We will not ask you to prove that you have been impacted by family violence unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • We will only ask you for information that we think is necessary to resolve your complaint and will be sensitive in what we ask for.
  • We will try and work with you and your energy or water provider to reach a solution that you both agree on. If that is not possible, we will decide what we think is a fair and reasonable way to resolve your complaint.
  • We decide what is fair and reasonable by looking at a range of factors including:
    • Your individual circumstances.
    • What energy and water providers are required to do.
    • How your energy and water provider treated you, including what support they offered and/or or gave to you.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre

1800 015 188

Victorian 24/7 telephone counselling plus practical support including refuge referral, emergency accommodation, information and support.

WIRE Women’s Information

1300 134 130

Victorian information service for women requiring support and referrals.

Walk-in centre: 372 Spencer Street, West Melbourne.

Open: Monday–Friday, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Men’s Referral Service

1300 766 491

An anonymous and confidential telephone service provided for men by men. Offering a central point of contact for men who want to stop violence or abusive behaviour towards their family members.