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Greater Western Water billing issues may have affected you. Click for more information or to raise a complaint.

Last updated: 03 Apr 2023

Water payment difficulties

Your water company is required to tell you about the help available including payment options.

water payments coin

Contact your water company straight away and ask for a payment plan.

Be honest about what you can regularly afford to pay on your debt.

If you have a payment plan you can’t be restricted or receive debt collection while you’re paying.

water payments manage

To help you manage your water account or repay amounts owing, call your water company and set up:

  • an extension of the due date
  • a payment plan – with regular/irregular instalments
  • payment before the bill is due.
water payments pay

Choose what suits you best. The options include:

  • Centrepay - regular amounts taken from your fortnightly Centrelink payment before you receive it
  • BPay - online or over the phone
  • Direct debit - amount from your bank account at regular intervals
  • Payment card - like Easypay or Easyway to make regular payments at the post office.
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Ask about:

  • government grants and concessions
  • practical advice to reduce water usage.
water payments card

Concessions can reduce your bills.

But you must give your concession card details to your water company for it to be applied and re-contact them when your card expires.

water payments phone

Remember these services for additional help

  • Call the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing on 1800 658 521 or visit to check your eligibility.
  • National Debt Helpline provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling service if you need help working out what is affordable for you to pay. Visit, or call 1800 007 007.
  • 1800Respect - National family violence telephone counselling. More information on Call 1800 737 732.

Need further help? If you're having payment difficulties, first contact your water company. If you’re not happy with its response, contact EWOV – we’re here to help!